What a sad, sorry and morally bankrupt society Great Britain really is. A once proud and mighty nation whose sons and daughters modernised and civilised the entire world is now a laughing stock, with timid and spineless Britons being given the run-around by all and sundry.
From corrupt and treacherous politicians who betray the very people who voted for them to hordes of hate-filled spongers from the third-world flooding into Britain who not only demand more and more money from the British cash-cows, they also bring with them their retarded cultures and traditions and forcibly impose them on the cowering and overly-tolerant British people who simply have better things to do than to fight and defend their own country, culture and way of life.
Nothing highlights how dumb and gutless the British now are more than the death-cult of Islam and its millions of fanatical, intolerant and dirty-kuffar despising Muslims. All one has to do is read-through the following recent news reports to see just how easily Muslims subjugate and dominate the filthy, stinking British kuffar pigs at will:
Muslim Teachers Allowed To Beat Children
Muslim Child Brides In Britain
"Asians" Offer Teens Money For Sex
Muslims Gang Rape Women AND Men
Hate Preacher Boasts Of Being On Benefits....
...And Threatens Terror Attacks
Followed by Muslims blaming the dirty kuffars for Islamic terror
And what do the brave, lion-hearted British people do in response to all of these Islamic threats, abuse, violence and intimidation?
Except cower and bow like obedient little dhimmis before their Muslim superiors, bending over as far as they possibly can - and sometimes quite literally - so they can take it long and hard. Anything goes, so long as it doesn't offend the sensitivities of the Muslim masters, and the faint-hearted British dhimmis have made it clear they will do anything to appease Islam, anything to avoid a fight.
But there is a very high price to pay for being the biggest cowards in the world, you poor British little milksops. You see, because you are - to a man-jack one of you - frightened to death of Islam and too shit-scared to fight it, you have now helped to create a nation that tolerates:
1) LEAGALISED child abuse and LEAGALISED paedophilia. Child abuse including paedophilia is part of Islam and my word how proud you must feel to tolerate Islam and the child abuse that comes hand in hand with it. Tolerate Islam, you tolerate paedophilia. And a whole lot more but, hey, they've got a right to practice their faith haven't they?
2) Terrorists who steal your money, threaten you with violence and commit widespread acts of brutal violence against dirty kuffars who dare criticise Islam in anyway, shape or form or simply offend a Muslim with their stinking kuffar presence.
3) Muslims who rape British women the length and breadth of the realm with impunity. Well of course, British women are the wives and daughters of dirty British kuffar pigs, they are nothing more than war booty; sluts and whores to be raped whenever possible.
What a damning indictment it is of the British people, a people so terminally dumb and cowardly they knowingly tolerate the intolerant; they knowingly tolerate child abuse and they knowingly tolerate hate-filled terrorists and they knowingly choose dhimmitude because they haven't the stomach for a fight.
A Deafening Silence
Where-oh-where are the voices of the feminists and women's rights movements? You know, the ones who have continually demonised white males as being their tormentors, their oppressors and their jailers for the last forty years?
Where-oh-where are the voices of the various organisations whose raison d' être is to protect the most vulnerable members of society, the children. Organisations such as the NSPCC and Save The Children? Too busy helping the Marxists to prepare lessons in homosexuality for British infants to study in British schools perhaps?
Their silent, submissive dhimmitude is deafening. And damning. And god-damn sickening.
But what about the only hope Britain has, the BNP? Surely, the BNP will never bow before Islam? Think again because with the 2010 election looming large, the BNP campaign to pull British troops out of the Muslim cesspit of Afghanistan (and quite right too) is sounding an appeasing almost apologetic tone of:
"The BNP doesn't start wars against Muslims. The BNP hasn't killed any Muslims and the BNP won't interfere with Muslim nations"
Totally missing the point that the whole crux of Islam is war between Dar al Islam - the House of Islam and Dar al Harb - the House of War, the lands of the kuffars - and always will be until the whole world belongs to Islam and that it is Muslims led by oil-rich Saudi Arabia who have declared war on Britain as part of this, the third global Islamic jihad. Let me spell it out loud and clear so even the dumbest of the dhimmis can understand:
Muslims are INTERFERING with BRITAIN, they are dramatically CHANGING Britain and they are CONQUERING Britain into Dar al Islam without so much as a shot being fired in defence. And Nationalists are saying "we won't interfere with Muslim nations"?
Sorry, my mistake, stating the truth would deeply offend the millions of Muslims living in Britain and that's just not on.
Islamic Jihad isn't being waged against Britons because of Afghanistan, Iraq Israel, Gaza or any other lame excuse trotted out by Muslims and their apologists to justify atrocities. Jihad is waged because it is the sacred duty of ALL Muslims to conquer the lands of Dar al Harb into Dar al Islam as commanded by their deity Allah in chapter eight verse 39 of the Qur'an.
And there lies another stark truth can't be mentioned can it, as it might offend the religion of perpetual outrage. So Muslim jihadists trot out excuses such as Afghanistan to confuse and trick the dirty kuffars and gullible foolish British dhimmis lap it up like nectar.
Well, anything is better than fighting isn't it?
Question: Do you think the Muslims will stop breeding - jihad by the womb - and refrain from building Mosques whose minarets dominate the skylines of British cities if the troops are withdrawn from Afghanistan? Do you think halal food will be withdrawn from stores and fast-food joints and British schools? Do you think the rapes and the beatings and the no-go areas and the constant demands for more tolerance of Islamic practices will all magically vanish?
If you or any other Briton believes so then you are being taken for the ride of your life you naive mug. Look, the bottom line is that you - and all Britons - really do need to start waking up to the nightmare reality of Islam, any time about now would be good. If you can stop quaking in your boots long enough that is.
Then you are going to have to fight Islam or you and your once magnificent nation will be devoured. That is the nightmare reality of Islam. You're being played for fools and it's time to wise-up.
Something Is Missing
When I was shedding my liberal multi-coloured glasses, one of the few voices speaking the horrific and uncomfortable truth about Islam was the British National Party. It is why I chose to support the BNP, indeed I really believed I was going to be part of the British Resistance that would, one glorious day, send the demented Muslims and their vile totalitarian death-cult packing, right back to the sewers of the third-world where they belong.
Now I'm asking: Where is the British resistance?
It seems to me that the BNP is now falling over itself to become a mainstream political party - shyeah, right, like the British people need another one of those - and I just don't see any resistance, any fight, any strong action to stop the ongoing Islamisation of Britain. British Nationalists have high hopes for winning one or two seats in the general election and I believe they are putting all of their eggs in one basket, desperately hoping to win something out of a corrupted "democratic" game now controlled totally by the enemies of Britain.
I believe that is one very big mistake to make. And the bad news is that British Nationalists simply don't have the luxury of time to make mistakes. The political fight is but one front in this war - and please, it IS war - against the British people and battle needs to waged on several fronts and it needs to be waged hard. Britain is in very serious trouble, make no mistake about it.
But the political front gives British Nationalists a way-out from facing the enemy and fighting for their country. Simply post a few comments on the Nationalist sites, cheering from the sidelines "Go BNP, GO!" and screaming "yah boo hiss" at the SCABS traitors before excitedly casting a BNP vote at the polling stations on election day, smugly believing that duty has been done and one has played a part in the British Resistance.
What a farce! No wonder paedophilia is legalised in Britain nowadays. Still so long as the tele is working and you can chow-down on yet another chow-mein, as long as you can spice up your life with a tikka massala and so long as you can round off an evening at the local with a 100% halal donner kebab, what's the problem right?
Best of all, by choosing not to fight and adopting cowardice as a virtue, your children and their children can pick up the tab. And what a hefty price they are going to have to pay when the violent nightmare of Islamic jihad endured by the peoples of Kosovo and Israel, the Christians of the Middle East, the Buddhists of Southern Thailand and the Hindus of India becomes a reality in the British Isles.
Thank God I'll be dead at the time, I simply couldn't bear the shame of hearing their angry curses or facing their looks of contempt and to know full well that just as the greedy lib/lab/con politicians sold-out their own people, the current generations deliberately sold-out their own offspring all for a comfortable life.
What a pity there aren't more brave British warriors such as this poor gentleman - whose disgraceful plight was featured on the Voice Of The British Resistance on the Jan 17 edition - who gave so much for so many ungrateful, spineless dhimmis who simply don't possess anywhere near the spirit, honour and courage of so many of his generation. A brave generation whose selfless sacrifice for the freedom millions of Britons just take for granted is now being dishonoured and trampled on every day and soon, their sacrifice will mean nothing.
Here is a Spitfire pilot, one of the few to whom is owed so much by so many, being forced to sell his home to pay - PAY - for much needed care. He should be given the very best care available 24/7 for the rest of his life and yet instead, this brave man who fought for his country is treated like dirt.
Where is the BNP? Where is the British Legion? Meh, what's the point, no one cares. He's had his life, right? What a disgrace.
Where is the BNP? Where is the British Legion? Meh, what's the point, no one cares. He's had his life, right? What a disgrace.
Today for the first time ever, I say that I am deeply ashamed to British. Great Britain? You're joking, it should be Gutless Britain. Why not, the rest of the world - especially the Islamic world - know it all too well and they're laughing their beards off at the lilly-livered British dhimmis. And the laughter, the insults, the abuse, the beatings and the rapes are going to keep on coming because there is simply nothing to stop them.
Quite frankly, custard has more substance than the British, a people whose rank cowardice is now the laughing stock of the world. When on earth will the penny drop - perhaps it never will. That would mean putting up a fight and that simply won't do. Not on this watch anyway.
Shame on you Gutless Britain. Enjoy living under Islamic Sharia Law, be in no doubt, the British-born Muslims will.
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