I did not know Dr Kelly but like many millions of others I have read through the many accounts of his death along with those of his life shortly before when he was thought to have disclosed the truth about how Britain was led to invade Iraq on the false premise that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction it could launch against Britain in 45 minutes. This was to become known as the 'sexed up' dossier with fingers pointed at Messrs Tony Blair and Alistair Campbell & Co.
For it was they, the British Govt, which made decisions to put a 'spin on war', and it now transpires that the British Govt will now keep details of Dr David Kellys' death a State Secret and will not release information about how he died for another 70 years.
The Labour Govt is standing for re-election.
It will not release the papers or hold an inquiry which uncovers the sham of the last.
It fed the country lies all along, and it whitewashed them with more lies.
Now the lies are on the verge of being discovered, the only thing left to do it seems is to hide the evidence.
I may be an ignoramus but last time I looked, the only reason that could prevent public scrutiny of this under the Freedom of Information Act, is that it has been 'classified' as involving a threat to national security. Of course, I did say, I may be an ignoramus, however if I am right then my deductive skills tells me the government has something to hide about a persons 'suicide'. Now taking that argument as real, I would then ask the question of government: What possible circumstances about the self-imposed (and essentially private therefore), death/suicide of a person, could involve a state secret if the state was not involved.
My Final Comment on the unfortunate death of Dr David Kelly may well be this one. But if and when the British National Party are ever elected to govern this country, I will be among the first to ask that the perpetrators of his death, those who caused the deaths of our brave soldiers and of innocent Iraqis, are led to trial where I'll be demanding the death penalty is given for those who were in on this murderous conspiracy.
Amiable post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.
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