Incensed that this man was being allowed to run for and be elected as mayor when he is not fit to run a bath was why the British National Party felt it was within their and the public's interest to draw attention to the fact that Barnsley's new Mayor has been reported for race hate crimes. He openly supports UAF and Unison who both have no political platform nor agenda except opposing true democracy.
This is why on Friday the 15th from 16.30 until 19.00 hrs activists from the British National Party set up a stall opposite the town hall to sell papers, fly our flags and create noise to educate those councillors who were all attending the free meal laid on by us, the taxpayer.
The support we received was overwhelming from people passing in their vehicles and tooting their support, some even circling the block to toot again. The councillors standing in front of the town hall smoking could see this and stood in disbelief at the level of support were receiving from the public. They know our day is coming and they do not like it because they too have their noses deeply buried in the trough of plenty just like their masters.
The only party who can not be accused of claiming fraudulent expenses is the British National Party, as we are all volunteers. We do this for the love of our country, for our heritage and protection of our culture and identity not for the greed and self interest of the ministers in government and the councillors in Barnsley.
Wouldn’t it be good if somebody passed Barnsley British National Party the councillors expenses list. We would make sure these people were exposed for what they are.
If you are sick of the way the country is going and the destruction of our identity as a race, then like us VOTE BNP at the forthcoming European elections and local council elections next year.
P Doff
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