Fellow Patriot,
Happy St George’s Day!
Today is supposed to be a day on which the native people of England can celebrate their identity without fear of persecution from the politically correct liberal Leftists.
However, in today’s warped Britain, even St George has come under attack by our political masters.
The legend of St George and the Dragon was brought to Europe by returning Crusaders. According to that story, a dragon made its nest at the water source of a city. The city’s inhabitants had to offer sheep to the dragon in order to be allowed to draw water. However, they eventually ran out of sheep and the dragon demanded humans instead. Lots were drawn to see which unfortunate person would be offered to the dragon in exchange for the right to draw water.
On one occasion, the princess of the city drew the shortest stick. The king begged for her life, but it was in vain; all had an equal chance of being sacrificed to the dragon. At the crucial moment, St George appeared and challenged the dragon. Protected by the sign of the Christian cross, St George slew the dragon and rescued the princess. The grateful citizens of the city then converted to Christianity.
Our ruling political elite strives to eliminate or dismantle anything that gives the native people of the British Isles any sense of identity, tradition or cultural loyalty. So it should be no surprise that the liberal-left has for decades waged a relentless war against any celebrations on St. George’s Day. In their eyes, recognition of our nationhood will endanger the “multiracial society” they wish to impose on the British people. Better to eradicate any remnants of national identity whatsoever, lest our people realise what they are losing.
The latest salvo in this relentless war against native identity was the banning of a highly popular St George’s Day parade in the Black Country, West Midlands. Thanks to the rigorous efforts of our local activists and the enormous pressure applied by the BNP’s Operation Fightback, the parade was reinstated!
Rest assured, all those homegrown traitors who have taken part in the war against our indigenous rights will one day be held to account for their crimes. Treason may be acceptable now, but in the free, liberated Britain of the future, treason will be punished in the manner of the old days of our forbears: through Traitor’s Gate and into the Tower!
Happy St George’s Day!
Today is supposed to be a day on which the native people of England can celebrate their identity without fear of persecution from the politically correct liberal Leftists.
However, in today’s warped Britain, even St George has come under attack by our political masters.
The legend of St George and the Dragon was brought to Europe by returning Crusaders. According to that story, a dragon made its nest at the water source of a city. The city’s inhabitants had to offer sheep to the dragon in order to be allowed to draw water. However, they eventually ran out of sheep and the dragon demanded humans instead. Lots were drawn to see which unfortunate person would be offered to the dragon in exchange for the right to draw water.
On one occasion, the princess of the city drew the shortest stick. The king begged for her life, but it was in vain; all had an equal chance of being sacrificed to the dragon. At the crucial moment, St George appeared and challenged the dragon. Protected by the sign of the Christian cross, St George slew the dragon and rescued the princess. The grateful citizens of the city then converted to Christianity.
Our ruling political elite strives to eliminate or dismantle anything that gives the native people of the British Isles any sense of identity, tradition or cultural loyalty. So it should be no surprise that the liberal-left has for decades waged a relentless war against any celebrations on St. George’s Day. In their eyes, recognition of our nationhood will endanger the “multiracial society” they wish to impose on the British people. Better to eradicate any remnants of national identity whatsoever, lest our people realise what they are losing.
The latest salvo in this relentless war against native identity was the banning of a highly popular St George’s Day parade in the Black Country, West Midlands. Thanks to the rigorous efforts of our local activists and the enormous pressure applied by the BNP’s Operation Fightback, the parade was reinstated!
Rest assured, all those homegrown traitors who have taken part in the war against our indigenous rights will one day be held to account for their crimes. Treason may be acceptable now, but in the free, liberated Britain of the future, treason will be punished in the manner of the old days of our forbears: through Traitor’s Gate and into the Tower!
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