Pro Referendum Rally
If you have arrived to this site through a google search of Barnsley and do not regard yourself as being a Nationalist you might still find this interesting. Please take a look at the site linked below. Anyone wishing to attend this rally please contact us ASAP, we do have some transport available and we need to know if more is required.
Saturday 27th October 2007
Dear Patriot The link below will direct you to an on-line petition to the board of governors at Sunnydale School from where my brother is currently suspended. He has been victimised and humiliated because of his political beliefs and this is wrong.
We must make a stand and fight for what is right. This type of bullying has already happened to me and could happen to any one of our people at any time. I would be very grateful if you could add your name and offer your support to the growing list.
Thank you.
Adam Walker ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!!!!
Give Jordon George Cross (online petition)
Please take the time to look and sign this petition started by 'Wigan Today'. I for one am in total agreement. Thank you Sir Henry Morgan for bringing this to our attention.
Barnsley Nationalist